Shout Out Saturday is a series meant to highlight real and singular women, in a variety of lines of work, both ‘known’ and unknown, from across the country.
Kari Anderson Miller is the Executive Director and Founder of International Neighbors, Inc. Prior to launching this 501(c)3 organization, Kari was a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand, and spent 20 years as a public school educator. She received a Master's Degree from the University of Virginia, and a Bachelor's Degree from Pepperdine University.
Glitter Box: What is the realest, most honest piece of advice you have for a woman working her way up in your field (or any field)?
Kari: Keep your mission in mind. You may not make friends, but you will make the mission of the organization.
Glitter Box: What do you think is the most important thing we need to do to achieve a more equitable and just society?
Kari: Know your neighbors! All of them. Especially the ones who have experiences and outlooks unlike your own. Chances are that you have much more in common than not, and you will inevitably love your neighbors in the process.
Glitter Box: What does success look like to you? In your field, what are you working towards or striving for?
Kari: Success for International Neighbors looks like equality and justice for all, particular for populations who are under-resourced. We all have something to share. Our world would be a better place if we gave whatever skills and assets possible so that others could not just survive, but thrive as fellow human beings.
International Neighbors is a 501(c)(3) volunteer organization that works to equip refugee neighbors with the network and skills needed to move from surviving to thriving In Charlottesville.
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